Dog Bites
Dog Bites are common and a serious problem for victims. If you've suffered a dog bite, you need a strong attorney on your side. The cost of dog bites is estimated to exceed one billion dollars per year. Unfortunately, the problem is steadily growing. The number of dog bite incidents has increased by a third in the last decade while the number of dogs has only increased by 2%.
Sadly, about half the victims are children, with the most likely target being between the ages of 5 and 9. Dog bites are the second most common cause of childhood injury, surpassing playground accidents. Most dog bite injuries towards children involved the face and can result in disfigurement.
According to the law, dog owners are responsible for their dog's actions and homeowner's insurance will pay for the damages. Dog bites account for about a third of homeowners' insurance claims.
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has stated that at least 16 people die each year from dog bites. Overall, the CDC reports that almost 5,000,000 people are attacked each year by a dog and that almost one—fifth of those bites are serious enough to require intensive medical care. With such staggering facts, it is easy to see why dog bites are taken so seriously.